# The Genesis GV90 will have coach doors and we are here for it
Genesis, the luxury automobile brand known for its innovative design and upscale features, is set to shake up the automotive industry with the introduction of the Genesis GV90, a model that will feature coach doors. This daring move by Genesis is a nod to classic elegance and luxury, setting the GV90 apart from traditional SUVs on the market.
## The GV90 with coach doors was spotted in testing
The Genesis GV90 with coach doors was recently spotted during testing by ShortsCar, raising excitement and anticipation among automotive enthusiasts. The coach doors add a touch of sophistication and luxury to the vehicle, hinting at a unique and upscale driving experience. The distinctive design of the GV90 sets it apart from other SUVs in the market, showcasing Genesis’s commitment to luxury and innovation.
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## More details about the GV90
While Genesis has not officially revealed all the details about the GV90, leaked information suggests that the vehicle will start at around $80,000, with an “Exclusive” variant priced at $160,000. The use of Hyundai’s new “eM” platform for EVs is expected to lower production costs and enhance performance, making the GV90 a highly anticipated model in the luxury SUV segment.
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## A brief history of coach doors
Coach doors, also known as “suicide doors,” have a rich history in the automotive industry. Originally used on horse-drawn carriages, coach doors have been featured in iconic vehicles such as the Honda Element, Rolls Royce Phantom, and the Lincoln Continental. Genesis’s decision to incorporate coach doors in the GV90 pays homage to this classic design element while adding a modern twist to the luxury SUV.

## Final thoughts
The Genesis GV90 with coach doors represents a bold and innovative approach to luxury SUV design. The combination of classic elegance and modern technology sets the GV90 apart from its competitors, making it a highly anticipated model in the automotive industry. As Genesis continues to push the boundaries of luxury and innovation, the GV90 is poised to set a new standard for luxury SUVs.
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